Many people face infectious diseases like nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis. His treatment was a complex process. Traditional medicine will help you fight onychomycosis. If you're familiar with this problem, try one of the many homemade recipes.
Treating Fungus with Kombucha-Based Folk Remedies
common method. It can help anyone who doesn't know what folk remedies can cure nail fungus. There are several options:
- Take the kombucha and break apart a small portion. Remove the film and cut until you get a jelly. Rub the bumps into the nail plate twice a day with the fungus.
- Place a portion of kombucha in water for a few hours and apply to the infected nail. Wrap the top in cellophane and put on socks. Treatment consists of compresses throughout the night.
- Boil at least two months old mushroom soaking liquid for an hour, strain and refrigerate. Wet gauze and apply to affected area overnight. Do this until the plate is soft, then carefully remove it.

use tar soap
This cleanser is truly healing and inexpensive. Treating Nail Fungus With Soap:
- Heat some water. Dissolve more laundry soap in it. Put your feet in the liquid for 15-20 minutes. If possible, wipe them down, then remove the affected area. Lubricate the affected nail with birch tar. Repeat until fully healed.
- Grate tar soap. Take 15 grams of this product and dilute it with water to form a gel. Add 30 grams of soda water. Rub vigorously on sore nails. Repeat for 14 consecutive days.
- Wash your feet well with tar soap, bandage them, and put socks on them. Use a compress cloth while sleeping, only in the morning you can remove it and wash it. Onychomycosis will disappear after about a week or two.

Folk remedies based on sparkling water
There are several good ways. Soda should not be forgotten when treating fungus. Valid recipes:
- Pour warm water into a bowl (4 liters) and add soda water (50-70 g). Wait until it dissolves completely. Add some body wash. Soak your feet in the solution for 30 minutes, then dry thoroughly. Repeat every three days until the fungus is completely gone.
- Dilute a small amount of soda with water to make a paste and add a few drops of lemon juice. Treat affected nails. Leave on for 10 minutes, rinse and dry your feet thoroughly. Repeat after a day.

Vinegar treatment
One of the most effective methods for advanced cases and the results are simply stunning. Folk recipes using vinegar ingredients:
- Heat half a liter of 9% vinegar, pour it into a basin, and immerse your feet in it. Take a bath for a quarter of an hour, then don't rinse. Treatment takes about a month.
- Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and iodine. Lubricate the nail with the fungus twice a day until it heals.
- Mix 75 ml of apple cider vinegar with vegetable oil. Wet a cotton pad from the resulting product, place it on the affected nail and secure with a Band-Aid. Put on your socks and go to bed with the dressing. Repeat until you get rid of the fungus.
- Mix 70% vinegar essence with carrot juice in equal proportions. Use this liquid to gently treat the fungus-affected extremities - fingers or toes.
- Take 30ml of 70% vinegar and equal parts vodka and add 3 egg whites. Treat infected nails morning and evening.

Folk remedies for toenail fungus
A serious problem like onychomycosis is simply not easy to deal with. Pharmacies offer many medicines that can fight fungal diseases, but the prices for truly effective medicines are sometimes too high. Even because of contraindications, the side effects of certain drugs prevent some people from using them. This is probably why treating fungi with folk remedies is so popular. Check out some more effective recipes.
therapeutic bath
Please try the following procedure:
- Mix a few tablespoons of birch and poplar buds with equal parts dried juniper in a saucepan. Drizzle with your favorite essential oil. Add water (1 L) and bring to a boil. Strain the broth and cool to 40 degrees. It is recommended to soak for half an hour.
- Pour 50 grams of dried celandine leaves into one liter of water. Let the liquid boil for a quarter of an hour, then brew the same amount. Steam your legs with the decoction every night.
- Brew a liter of natural coffee, let it cool and infuse. When the thick substance settles, use the beverage for a foot bath. Take for a quarter of an hour.
- Mix 50 grams of dried chamomile with spruce or pine needles. Soak in two liters of water and let sit for an hour. To strain, add a handful of sea salt, a pinch of cinnamon. Do this foot bath for half an hour.
- Mix vodka, lemon juice, and potassium permanganate in a 10: 2: 1 ratio. Dilute with water. Take a shower every four days.

Compress and apply
Different masks, lotions are well preserved from fungi. You can make them according to the following recipes:
- Wash the eggs and dip them in vinegar (100ml) so that the liquid completely covers the product. Store in a dark and warm place for a week. Mix with one hundred grams of butter and stir well. Steam your legs before going to bed and lubricate with this medicine. From above, insulate with film and put on socks. Wash off in the morning.
- Remember that burdock leaves release their juices. Wrap their legs. Wear a bandage and put on socks. Compressed all night for 21 days in a row.
- Mash rowan leaves and apply to sore legs. Put on socks. Replace the zip pack every 12 hours.
- Pass the onion through a meat grinder. Apply overnight to fungus-damaged areas under gauze and polyethylene. 14 days of continuous compression.
- Grate 50 grams of propolis, mix with vodka (fill the bottle up to the neck) and leave in the dark for 10 days. Mock - 20% alcohol solution available in pharmacies. Apply cotton gauze to the affected leg until dry.
- Mix equal parts iodine from the pharmacy and dried celandine. Apply this paste to the affected area for a week. You can replace iodine with tea tree oil or vinegar.

Instead of using pharmaceutical preparations to help get rid of onychomycosis, many people help get rid of onychomycosis through preparations made at home with herbal ingredients. Good treatments have proven products based on garlic or potassium permanganate solution. One of their advantages is not only efficiency, but also low price. There are many bath, ointment and compress formulations that contain standard therapeutic ingredients.
Garlic for athlete's foot
You can easily make a variety of remedies using this ingredient at home:
- Lubricate infected nails with freshly squeezed garlic juice daily. This is a very simple and fast but effective method.
- Mix garlic juice with the same dose of rubbing alcohol. Treat the nail plate with the fungus several times a day.
- Crush a few cloves of garlic and mix with vegetable oil. Compress with this gruel every night before going to bed under bandages and cellophane. Continue until clean nails grow. Try to process only the board without affecting the skin.
- Mix crushed garlic cloves with 15 grams of table salt and 0. 2 liters of water. Do therapeutic compressions before bed.

How to Make Potassium Permanganate Solution
This component is included in many recipes, but can be used as a standalone tool. The affordable price is one of the reasons for the popularity of this composition. Keep in mind a few options for using potassium permanganate solution:
- Dilute potassium permanganate in water to a deep pink color. Soak your feet in it for 20 minutes. The dead area of the nail, which then becomes wet, can be clipped or filed away.
- In three liters of water, dilute a liter of vinegar and a few pinch of potassium permanganate and stir well. Take a shower every night for a quarter of an hour for a week.